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An Independent, Coed, Friends School, Nursery Through Grade 12


Moses Brown is known for its academic rigor, expansive co-curricular programs, and state-of-the-art facilities. Our beautiful campus serves as a wonderful backdrop for students to learn and explore. We are excited to share our vibrant learning community with you.

The process of learning about our school takes many shapes and sizes at Moses Brown School. Whether you attend Open House, a Parent/Guardian Coffee, a day visit, or an on-campus event (or all four!), you’ll have the chance to meet members of our community who are eager to share their Moses Brown story and help you learn more about us.

A visit and meeting with a member of the admission team is required of all students applying to Moses Brown School.

Once a family submits an inquiry and/or an application, an admission director will be in touch about opportunities for visits during the school day.


We invite you to visit campus and have a tour once an application has been submitted. Please call our office to learn more about events and opportunities to visit.